Here you will find all the books by Claudio J. Chiabai (CJC), a critic of Psychoanalysis and a staunch defender of skeptical thinking. Below, you will find a brief description of each one, along with links to more detailed descriptions and options for purchasing them. These are an opportunity to discover many myths about the psychoanalytic couch that many take as truths, but these books debunk them with clarity and rigor. Don’t miss out!


This book offers a critical review of hysteria, exploring its definitions, symptoms, and treatments throughout history. It shows how its concept has evolved from Plato to modern psychiatry. A necessary work to understand what it was that doctors called hysteria.

It debunks several myths about this ancient disease, such as the idea that ancient doctors ignored crucial aspects or that hysteria has disappeared when, in fact, it is still present in current psychiatric manuals. It also dismantles the myth that Psychoanalysis was disruptive, original, and innovative in its emergence. Freud’s work on hysteria is analyzed in the light of his contemporaries, showing that his treatment of this curious condition was neither as revolutionary nor as important as is often believed.

This work does not miss the opportunity to debunk a very popular myth. It provides a clear view to dispel the idea that patients were ignored or treated with certain sexual methods. It does so by providing a well-documented view of what was really behind the treatments used against hysteria. It is essential reading for those seeking a deep and critical understanding of hysteria and Psychoanalysis.


This book continues the analysis begun in What the heck is hysteria?, delving into a particular and quite popular myth. The author focuses on debunking the belief that doctors treated hysteria through induced orgasms. That is, that they masturbated their patients. At the same time, it dismantles the idea that doctors of the past were completely ignorant about female sexuality.

Although this work can be considered an extension or continuation of What the hell is hysteria?, it is a book with its own value. It is another reference work for anyone who wants to know how hysteria was treated in earlier times. It gives us a window into how doctors acted in the past.

About the author

CLAUDIO J. CHIABAI (CJC) is a passionate critic of psychoanalysis and a fervent advocate of skeptical thinking. He has spent more than 20 years studying the discipline of the couch and has come to the conclusion that it is a pseudoscience, even the prime example of pseudoscience.

His disenchantment and disappointment with the Faculty of Psychology at UBA, where he received only training in Psychoanalysis, led him to create a blog to expose and denounce this dogmatic and irrational teaching. On his [personal blog], CJC primarily addresses issues related to Psychoanalysis, strongly questioning it. In short, his blog focuses on Psychoanalysis and Psychology, as well as other topics, attempting to foster doubt and critical thinking, inviting readers not to accept anything without first examining the arguments and reasoning behind it.

By 2016, due to the rise of dogmatic feminism as irrational as Psychoanalysis, CJC created a YouTube channel to discuss the topic, similar to what he does on his blog with psychoanalysis. His channel "Neither Feminist Nor Patriarchal" is divided into two: [one for structured and expository videos], and [another for live discussions]. The first features scripted videos, while the secondary channel addresses topics on Feminism and Psychoanalysis in an interactive live format.

CJC's work invites deep and critical reflection on controversial and current topics. His skeptical and analytical approach not only questions established beliefs but also provides a space for debate and reflection. His writings and videos are a valuable resource for those seeking a different and well-founded perspective on Psychoanalysis and modern Feminism. If you wish to explore a critical and well-argued view on these topics, be sure to follow his blog and channels.


Visit CJC Blog

If you want to learn more about the topics covered in the books,
you can visit the author's personal blog.
There, you will find various texts on the topics
discussed in the books.
In fact, some of these texts served as the basis for
the books.

CJC Blog