Dive into a captivating and profound exploration that demystifies hysteria and critically examines the supposedly revolutionary contributions of Psychoanalysis. This book will lead you to uncover the truth behind many myths and offer you a new perspective on Freud and his early ideas. It will reveal the true value they had in their time.


A Demystifying Journey
about Hysteria and the Freudian Couch

Embark on a fascinating historical journey that unravels the myths surrounding hysteria. This book answers a simple question: How was what we called hysteria actually perceived?

Through a thorough analysis, it offers a detailed and revealing view of this illness that could mimic almost any ailment. The book explores the various definitions and symptoms associated with hysteria, providing a clear and accurate picture of how it was understood in different eras. It also investigates the proposed causes and treatments, dismantling the idea that early doctors ignored crucial aspects of this illness.

This book pays special attention to Freud and his work on hysteria, placing his ideas in the historical context of the birth of Psychoanalysis. To know and demystify hysteria is to know and demystify the origins of the Freudian couch. Viewing hysteria up close reveals that Freud's supposed originality and impact on medical practice were not as significant as often believed. His ideas were not as revolutionary as people tend to think, and this book clearly demonstrates that.

Another idea debunked in this work is the notion of hysteria’s disappearance. It tackles the enigma of the rapid disappearance of hysteria as a medical diagnosis, despite its prominence for centuries. The book shows that, in reality, the concept of hysteria has evolved and transformed, with some of its old elements persisting under different names in modern psychiatry.

Finally, it refutes a modern popular myth about the extreme treatments associated with hysteria and its sexual nature, providing evidence that clarifies the reality of the methods used. It debunks one of the most famous and popular myths in feminist circles about hysteria, a topic expanded on in On Hysteria, Orgasms, and Doctors.

In short, this book is essential reading, a must-have reference for anyone seeking a deep and critical understanding of hysteria and the foundations of Psychoanalysis, through a well-documented and informed perspective at every step of the argument.

Ch.1: Early Hysteria

This chapter summarizes the history of hysteria, from ancient Greece to the 19th century, highlighting the wandering womb theory and the associated aromatic treatment.

Ch.2: What was Hysteria?

This chapter examines the various definitions of hysteria, showing the diversity of approaches and the consensus on certain symptoms.

Ch.3: Symptoms, symptoms, and more symptoms

This chapter details the symptoms of hysteria, providing a fairly accurate picture of what was referred to as hysteria.

Ch.4: Not uterine, not sexual

This chapter analyzes the causes and influences of hysteria, debunking the notion that doctors ignored sexual aspects, and highlights the "caput nili" of Freud’s theory, expanded in the sixth chapter.

Ch.5: Simulation

This chapter refutes a particular myth. It dismantles the idea that hysterical patients were dismissed as fakers. In fact, they received significant medical attention, especially through Moral Treatment, the precursor to modern psychotherapies.

Ch.6: Freudiana

This part of the book is dedicated to Freud’s perspective on the subject, showing the limited impact of his ideas compared to other contemporary concepts about hysteria.

Ch.7: And disappeared

This chapter explores the mystery of the disappearance of hysteria. It tries to answer how a disease present in medicine for more than 25 centuries disappeared almost without a trace within a few decades.

Ch.8: Hysteria Today

This chapter discusses how hysteria, in reality, lost strength and transformed into something else, which, with a change in its meaning, remains present today in modern Psychiatry.

Ch.9: The myth of the hysterical orgasm

This chapter is dedicated to refuting the modern myth that hysterical patients were treated with genital massages until orgasm. It does so with medical citations explaining what the treatment for hysteria actually was. On Hysteria, Orgasms, and Doctors continues this work, but in much greater detail and depth.

Look at the author's presentation

Here you can see the presentation made by the author himself for the first edition of the book.
(In Spanish)

Where to Buy

These are the sites where you can purchase the latest edition of this work.

About the author

CLAUDIO J. CHIABAI (CJC) is a passionate critic of psychoanalysis and a fervent advocate of skeptical thinking. He has spent more than 20 years studying the discipline of the couch and has come to the conclusion that it is a pseudoscience, even the prime example of pseudoscience.

His disenchantment and disappointment with the Faculty of Psychology at UBA, where he received only training in Psychoanalysis, led him to create a blog to expose and denounce this dogmatic and irrational teaching. On his [personal blog], CJC primarily addresses issues related to Psychoanalysis, strongly questioning it. In short, his blog focuses on Psychoanalysis and Psychology, as well as other topics, attempting to foster doubt and critical thinking, inviting readers not to accept anything without first examining the arguments and reasoning behind it.

By 2016, due to the rise of dogmatic feminism as irrational as Psychoanalysis, CJC created a YouTube channel to discuss the topic, similar to what he does on his blog with psychoanalysis. His channel "Neither Feminist Nor Patriarchal" is divided into two: [one for structured and expository videos], and [another for live discussions]. The first features scripted videos, while the secondary channel addresses topics on Feminism and Psychoanalysis in an interactive live format.

CJC's work invites deep and critical reflection on controversial and current topics. His skeptical and analytical approach not only questions established beliefs but also provides a space for debate and reflection. His writings and videos are a valuable resource for those seeking a different and well-founded perspective on Psychoanalysis and modern Feminism. If you wish to explore a critical and well-argued view on these topics, be sure to follow his blog and channels.